2024 AAHAM ANI Conference

Increase margin & create capacity for RCM staff by measuring every touch, reducing manual work, & eliminating waste

Booth 11

Stop by our booth to learn about award-winning workforce automation and intelligent analytics technology for revenue cycle


Revving Up Revenue Cycle with Smart Solutions for a Lean Workforce

November 13, 2024 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM

Read Articles by Matt Seefeld, Revenue Cycle Management Expert
Matt Seefeld

Chief Commercial Officer, MedEvolve

Best practices are continually evolving in healthcare. In an era where operational margin is plagued by a myriad of challenges, healthcare leaders are striving to identify the best tools and processes for improving revenue cycle performance.

There is a lot at stake—and a lot of choices in terms of the rapidly evolving landscape of automation and technological advances. This presentation will help participants draw from the wisdom of the past to lay the right foundation for smart strategies and future best practices—all through the eyes of Henry Ford.

Participants will get back to the basics by exploring the parallels between Ford’s principles behind his automaking success and healthcare revenue cycle management. The synergies underscore the timeless importance of operational efficiency, accountability, transparency, embracing technology, and maintaining a people-centric perspective.

Specifically, Seefeld will evaluate strategies that revenue cycle leaders should be implementing today such as:

Unlike 1913, today healthcare organizations have luxuries such as automation and AI that can help realize these strategies. However, understanding when and where to implement AI/automation in the revenue cycle remains a challenge. Participants will walk away understanding how to leverage AI and automation the right way in the revenue cycle to optimize performance and take advantage of Ford’s basic principles.

Reduce Touches to Improve Margin

Measure every touch

Reduce manual work


Over a century ago, Henry Ford transformed the manufacturing industry with his innovative approach to mass production. Today, his principles, including the points above, can serve as a guiding light for RCM leaders seeking to navigate the complexities of the modern healthcare landscape. Download the eBook, “Transforming Revenue Cycle Management Today with Lessons Learned from Henry Ford”.


Compass Health: Multi-Specialty Medical Group

Find out how this RCM business implements incentive-based revenue cycle using Effective Intelligence. Read about their experience with MedEvolve.


What Percentage Of Your Claims Get Paid Without A Human Action?

Read about how our client, Atlas Healthcare Partners, achieved a 48% reduction in denials in this Healthcare Business Today article.

Achieve results like Compass with Effective Intelligence technology

Review and assess your practice’s financial status in 5 min or less and know exact where you are losing money and why. Measure the work effort of every revenue cycle employee, incentivize and retain your top performers, and help employees that need improvement.

You can prevent most common denials, rejections and write-offs during the scheduling and pre-registration process in advance of the appointment. Configure checkpoints and use central task management to quickly clear patients and keep your front office staffing needs at a minimum.

Aligning the power of the MedEvolve Coding solutions with your internal resources personalizes and trains the autonomous coding model, increasing the speed that auto-codes are generated. The portal workflow also drives operational efficiency, resulting in repeatable and scalable performance.

As team members log in to the web-based application and record each “touch” of a claim,  outcome, and next task, key data points are recorded like who completed the task and when, outcome, task notes, internal / external messages sent, collection success and other data points that feed into our real-time analytics.

Reduce RCM labor dependence with financial clearance, coding, insurance A/R, & patient A/R automation modules with real-time analytics.

Increase productivity and simplify front & back office processes while keeping your staff focused with our flagship PM system.