Real-Time Revenue Cycle Analytics

Advanced Real-Time Dashboards to Measure Staff Effectiveness from Patient Financial Clearance to Claims Processing in Your Healthcare Organization

It’s time to base decisions for your healthcare organization on facts, not feelings

Kick your spreadsheets to the curb. Your revenue cycle analytics solution should give you real-time access to the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and specialty specific benchmarks you care about most so you can compare how you’re doing against other similar healthcare organizations. With numbers to back up your decisions, you can feel confident that you’re making the right choice for your business. Spend more time focusing on implementing the appropriate changes to improve collections.

With front office Patient Financial Clearance Automation & back office Medical Billing Workflow Automation added to your current PM/EHR systems, you can get real-time analytics on staff effectiveness and a deep understanding of your entire revenue cycle.

The web-based platform can be accessed anytime from anywhere to give you peace of mind that your revenue cycle is on track

Data-Driven Healthcare Executives

"I have been able to track trends from the American Gastroenterology Association (AGA) website. Compared to 2019 – 2021 data, Medicare will be paying an average of 10% less in upper GI & lower GI procedures in the future. Those are changes that we need to address. MedEvolve’s analytics has allowed me to compare numbers with the AGA, come up with some figures, and show the physicians how much we could lose with the same amount of work."

Review and assess your practice’s financial status in 5 min or less and know exact where you are losing money and why. Measure the work effort of every revenue cycle employee, incentivize and retain your top performers, and help employees that need improvement.

You can prevent most common denials, rejections and write-offs during the scheduling and pre-registration process in advance of the appointment. Configure checkpoints and use central task management to quickly clear patients and keep your front office staffing needs at a minimum.

Aligning the power of the MedEvolve Coding solutions with your internal resources personalizes and trains the autonomous coding model, increasing the speed that auto-codes are generated. The portal workflow also drives operational efficiency, resulting in repeatable and scalable performance.

As team members log in to the web-based application and record each “touch” of a claim,  outcome, and next task, key data points are recorded like who completed the task and when, outcome, task notes, internal / external messages sent, collection success and other data points that feed into our real-time analytics.

Reduce RCM labor dependency with workflow automation, task management, & real-time analytics to increase margin.

Outsource your medical billing to us with over 20 years of revenue cycle experience incorporating Effective Intelligence in house.

Improve patient collection rates with account resolution services: call center, mobile engagement, payment portal & counseling.

Increase productivity and visibility into front & back office processes while keeping your staff focused.​