I love healthcare because there’s so much opportunity to affect meaningful change in how we consume it, what it costs us as consumers, but also how much it costs the physicians and the hospital entities to provide care. And clearly, there’s a lot of systemic problems in many ways with regards to cost, a lot of things around sustainability for both patients and providers. And our aim is to be a meaningful player in correcting some of those deficiencies. So that’s the overall mission of MedEvolve.
Matt Rolfes, CEO, MedEvolve
What are “wasted touches” in the revenue cycle & how do we prevent them?
Healthcare organizations are already facing razor thin margins, and administrative waste could be the linchpin for future sustainability. Billions of dollars are at stake. I’m always surprised when I talk to doctors and ask them if know how many touches, or people, it takes to get paid for services they provide, they rarely know the answer. It’s also concerning when administrators and executives over the revenue cycle functions don’t have this information.