How to Get started with Workflow Automation in Your Revenue Cycle

How to Get Started with Revenue Cycle Workflow Automation

Staff shortages are wreaking havoc on every industry, especially healthcare

 An MGMA Stat poll found 73% of medical practices reported “staffing” as the biggest pandemic challenge heading into 2022. Access to workflow automation tools in both the front office and back office will be key to helping healthcare organizations make the most of available staff resources. 

Executives need transparency into workflows to ensure staff – especially remote staff – are not just productive, but also most effective in the use of their time. Revenue cycle leaders must have effective intelligence through workflow automation in place to be able to identify the difference. According to Forbes Human Resources Council: 

  • 96% of workers say they would like to either be fully remote or have some level of remote work
  • 95% say they are equally or more productive working remotely than in an office environment
  • 42% would leave for a different employer if remote work policies weren’t prioritized long-term 

Six steps to a better bottom line and sustainable future


How to Get Started with Revenue Cycle Workflow Automation

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