
Weekly thoughts on how to leverage technology in your healthcare organization to reduce labor costs, increase net collection rate, and maximize margin.

Effective Intelligence is all about reducing your dependence on labor in the revenue cycle while ensuring the medical billing and front office staff you do need are working effectively and generating the expected revenue to increase your margin with the least amount of work effort. MedEvolve is an effective intelligence company.

Does administrative waste in your revenue cycle feel like a dumpster fire?

The reality is that current stats related to U.S. administrative waste in healthcare are abysmal, equating to about 30% of total spending waste. In response, healthcare organizations are prioritizing adoption of AI and automation to improve the outlook. This is a step in the right direction, but many, unfortunately, are leaving money on the table because they lack visibility into human generated data.

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The Future of Generative AI in the Revenue Cycle

Human-generated data is the “secret sauce” to AI’s potential in RCM. The revenue cycle, a cornerstone of healthcare operations, is poised for transformative advancements through generative AI. While traditional AI applications in revenue cycle management (RCM) have leveraged common, system-generated data, the real breakthrough lies in integrating this with human-generated data to unlock unparalleled potential. How does MedEvolve bridge the gap? Explore infographic below.

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What are “wasted touches” in the revenue cycle & how do we prevent them?

Healthcare organizations are already facing razor thin margins, and administrative waste could be the linchpin for future sustainability. Billions of dollars are at stake. I’m always surprised when I talk to doctors and ask them if know how many touches, or people, it takes to get paid for services they provide, they rarely know the answer. It’s also concerning when administrators and executives over the revenue cycle functions don’t have this information.

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Reduce RCM labor dependence with financial clearance, coding, insurance A/R, & patient A/R automation modules with real-time analytics.

Increase productivity and simplify front & back office processes while keeping your staff focused with our flagship PM system.