Productivity vs. Effectiveness in the Revenue Cycle: Should You Measure Claims Worked or Employee Outcomes?
Measuring number of claims worked or measuring work effort & successful outcomes? What should healthcare executives focus on with RCM labor?
Measuring number of claims worked or measuring work effort & successful outcomes? What should healthcare executives focus on with RCM labor?
Give your RCM staff work/life balance by measuring effectiveness not productivity, establishing clear goals & incentivizing top performers, and tie it to a reward system that creates the recognition that this new generation of the workforce needs to have.
Matt Rolfes, CEO, MedEvolve, discusses strategies for successful positioning with Effective Intelligence & basing decisions on the right data.
On a given day, 80 to 90 percent of the active claims in A/R do not need to be touched, so why are billing representatives wasting time on them? Because there is no visibility into which claims need to be focused on to actually generate revenue.
High call volume, abandoned calls, staff shortage, & high wages could be preventing you from retaining patients, getting paid, keeping margin. Here are some points to consider when choosing a call center vendor.
When healthcare executives are shopping for technology to improve margin & collections, and reduce staff, don’t ask “How much does it cost?” Instead, evaluate the potential return on investment.
If your desired outcome is higher margin in your revenue cycle, but your actions aren’t aligned, you cannot achieve that outcome. The right technology & process guides the right people to success, therefore increasing your margin.
Web-based technology MedEvolve Workflow Automation & Real Time Revenue Cycle RCM Analytics measures & tracks employee effectiveness. Hire talented staff from anywhere. Reward high performers.
More patients than ever are on high deduction health plans & are responsible for payment of medical bills. MedEvolve can help collect balance with our digital engagement plus U.S.-based call center.
If you want to have benchmark A/R over 60, which is less than 15% and for Medicare less than 5%, then you have to have a technology in place that gives you these types of analytics in real time. So these are not new concepts, but with margins as tight as they are, can you really afford to have A/R that’s not turning over efficiently?
Reduce RCM labor dependence with financial clearance, coding, insurance A/R, & patient A/R automation modules with real-time analytics.
Increase productivity and simplify front & back office processes while keeping your staff focused with our flagship PM system.
Matt Seefeld discusses the role that measuring claim touches & calculating the cost to collect will have on AI-powered revenue cycles.
The reality is that current stats related to U.S. administrative waste in healthcare are abysmal, equating to about 30% of total spending waste. In response, healthcare organizations are prioritizing adoption
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